The Cage Therapy Unit is a unique and dynamic device consisting of a system of pulleys, straps, and splints utilized to perform a variety of exercise. This system improves strength, passive and active range of motion, and muscle flexibility. With the use of this system, the therapist can isolate any muscle group and target. In this situation the muscle tone (usually increased) does not influence the movements. This allows muscle groups to counteract the spastic muscles. The end effect is functional gains. The quality of gait, balance, and coordination of movements increases rapidly.

The key elements of Cage Therapy Unit are:

The “Monkey Cage” is a tri-dimensional rigid metal cage where metal pulleys are arranged to stretch and strengthen muscles groups.

The “Spider Cage”, therapist uses leather belt in which bungee cords are connected. In this way, the patient is supported and can safely learn weight shift, jump, kneel, half-kneel and step up and over objects. The “spider cage” is an effective tool for implementing neuro-development treatment (NDT), one of the most wide-spread and clinically accepted methods for “re (programming)” the central nervous and neuromuscular systems and “teaching” the brain more adequate motor skills.

Who all can get benefit from this therapy?

Suit therapy combined with intensive physical therapy has been beneficial for children with many diagnosis including:

Cerebral palsy
Developmental delays
Traumatic brain injury11208917_10153321387912700_1413116431_n
High or low muscle tone
Neurological impairments
Orthopedic impairments
Genetic disorders
Seizure disorders
Post-surgical impairments
Spinal cord injuries
Vestibular disorders
Down syndrome
Rett syndrome

The benefits of suit therapy are:

Retrains the central nervous system
Normalizes muscle tone
Provide external stabilization
Improves hip alignment through vertical loading over the hip joint
Improves body alignment
Provides tactile stimulation
(Corrects) gait pattern
Helps to decrease contractions
Improve bone density
Promotes development of fine and gross motor skills
Provides resistance for strengthening
Improves body and spatial awareness
Support weak muscles
Decreases uncontrolled movement in ataxia and athetosis
Provides vestibular input
It can improve speech production by increasing head control and trunk support.

